An Exclusive Interview With Mayaa SH

Tell us somethng about yourself in brief.

Well, I am a person engaged passionately with what I correlate with and my understanding to it is expressed through my writing and my experience of being aligned to looking at ways to encourage and motivate many women  . In both facets, I endeavour to look at the same set of global trends considering the potential direct, indirect and long-term impacts of a few stresses on people, particularly women and vulnerable groups… we as “women” as a community where are we heading towards and how do we build ourselves continuously as an individual first ?

Are you a staunch feminist? In your opinion what is the definition of feminism?

There is no such thing like staunch in the dictionary of championing rights of any of the genders as it is completely focussed on optimum utilisation of equal opportunities for all the genders including those who have a gender identity or gender expression that differs from the one that they were assigned at birth. I would retweak it as I am a culturist in an ardent belief of uplifting women towards their understanding of political, economic, and social equality of the genders expressed especially through organized activity on behalf of women’s rights and interests. Feminism is not about breeding hatred, prejudice or contempt for men or misandry .But the goal of feminism is to create equity, which is essential for leveling the benchmark to ensure that no one’s rights are violated due to factors such as race, gender, language, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, political or other beliefs, nationality, social origin, class, or wealth status.Feminism works towards equality of all genders and not placing women superior .How the strength of Feminity is misused for personal vendetta? , that we cannot comment on and engage into as it is totally a distraction from the actual cause by few in the society.

How did the idea of writing your debut book come into your mind?

I have always placed emphasis on deriving observations from realistic scenarios in life and catapulting any situation out of the window that is not a value addition in near future with respect to unrealistic and baseless facts .Life does not work on assumptions and dreams alone , we need to have the Strength and Courage to endure the tenacity to accomplish anything that we aspire for even if we are stuck .My first book “Sindoori” is dedicated to the women of the country .It is a simple book of quotations that can be handy in situations where women feel stuck at any point of life and require a moral support to collect themselves again and start all over again , if they are in despair or any situation that is beating them down on not being able to express themselves completely or live life to their full potential.Sindoori is a representation of the unsung echoes of Creativity , Valour, Vigour , Assurance , Confidence , Change , Determination and Optimism in Life for anybody .

As a writer do you think being a full time writer in India can be a sustainable job?

Yes , definitely one can be a full time writer in India.It is a myth that in order to get more reverence one has to leave the country to earn more name and fame .The fact that one is focussed and is determined to pursue any expertise in any field, one must go in pursuit of that dream or aspiration in life irrespective of what will others think . To plan your career trajectory  well , one can begin early by allowing oneself the luxury of exposing oneself to courses or certifications that hone one’s skills to the next level.Many have exceptional writing talent, but those who seem so blessed usually started writing in childhood and got encouragement along the way. It is a good idea to commence early with one’s aspiration to become a writer .

What books have you read recently that have created an impact on you?

(1)The Power Of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale 

This book is an all time classic with reference to Positive Thinking . It is certain that we cannot completely isolate the negativity in our lives. Bad things happen in life too. The real thing is how much more space we are able to give positivity in our thoughts than negativity. The good thing is that no matter how effective the negativity is, small activities or some good deed during the day can bring down its mercury very low and the mercury of positivity can rise very high, but for this, a little effort has to be made. Will happen. …so let’s make a little effort every day and make yourself, your soul feel good feelings regularly.

(2) I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban

Malala Yousafzai became the youngest-ever Nobel Prize winner for her fight for the right to education. In 2013, Yousafzai made a speech at the United Nations Youth Assembly in New York, during which she talked about the controversial situation surrounding women’s rights in her country. The event generated a wave of international attention thanks to the internet and interest from global media.

I AM MALALA is the remarkable tale of a family uprooted by global terrorism, of the fight for girls’ education, of a father who, himself a school owner, championed and encouraged his daughter to write and attend school, and of brave parents who have a fierce love for their daughter in a society that prizes sons.I AM MALALA will make you believe in the power of one person’s voice to inspire change in the world.

Who are the people and organisations who have helped you in your journey?

It would be unfair to name any particular organisation or any specific person who has been a driver to my key understanding of nuances of life .However , I would bestow my heartfelt felicitations on all those voices that have always believed in one thing that “ I haved dared to Dream beyond the limitations of societal barriers of either limiting beliefs or understanding in life ”. I owe a lot to my teachers who have played a crucial role during the initial years of my understanding of creative acumen and academic intelligentsia .I have been very fortunate as well to have a pool of great friends who encouraged me in all facets of my life as a life support .

Who is your favourite author apart from yourself?

Jane Austen – While today her novel’s are often considered by some to be part of the romance genre, Austen’s books actually helped popularize the idea of marrying for love in the first place. Marriages built on love rather than for business reasons were a common plot point in many of Austen’s novels. Austen’s novels also pointed out the many ways women of her time depended on their ability to “marry well”. 

How important is marketing for a book to succeed?

If you wish to position your book well , you must create great value for your readers .Marketing is a process that acts as a catalyst of exploring , creating and delivering value aligned to a brand or product development that one is either trying to highlight on or on captivating attention based on segmentation involved. However , it is the content of the book that matters the most and what message is the book trying to echo. There is no harm in keeping the book simple yet powerful in its content and effective communication is wherein the reader is able to comprehent its reference to context .

What is your advice to anyone who has just started his writing journey?

The will to succeed gives Strength even to the weakest of all seeds.If you are determined about your life goals and have an idea , no matter how simple , then you must start your journey of executing it.It does not matter which path you choose to reach your destination , what matters the most is if you were able to live your dream if writing an article or a book that you always dreamt of has been your dream , then begin implementing the idea to execution .All writers write from their gut or intuition , so always keep your energies calm and great so that you are at your highest actulisation of intellect and creativity to pen the best master piece .Always remember , if you are sincere in your efforts and consistent , you will accomplish all your goals one day . The world is a beautiful oyster to live in and all are pearls strung together in lustre of warmth and happiness. Hard Work has never betrayed anybody , everybody has started with their first book and carved a niche for themselves . 

“Writing Is A Discipline , You Need to Worship It Next To God .”

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