A pen is mightier than a sword and some of the modern day writers have the power to create a huge impact on the readers with their words. Here, we have picked the top 30 Writers to watch out for in 2022.
Shuvam Sthitapragyan
Shuvam Sthitapragyan is a 20-year-old Geology Undergraduate student from Odisha, more of a listener than a speaker. That is why he likes to listen to everyone around him and for people to listen to him, he writes to feel heard. He is an amateur writer. He is not proud of it, but he loves to express his thoughts through pen and pain. He loves to write shayaris and short stories. Even though he’s new to the writing arena, he believes that he will not let anyone take him down. He has been writing for 2-3 years with his first two books being published recently and his interests include surfing the internet, watching web series and listening to songs but,his first priority would always be writing.
His achievements won’t be enough to describe through pen and paper. Getting born into a middle class family would be one of them. Struggling to achieve anything is itself an achievement. Medals, certificates and cups don’t really defy our real accomplishment. When people start to respect you or you are able to bring a smile on someone’s face or help a really needy person making his/her day better, that’s what he would call a real feat. He wouldn’t go on talking about where he won something, which was purely due to his skills and label it as his achievement.
Adarsh Kumar Priyadarshi
Adarsh Kumar Priyadarshi is an enthusiastic teenage author whose debut book called “Facade: Shades of life” got published in 2020. He also Co-authored over 50 anthologies.
He was born in Bihar and brought up in many cities of India. His father Dharmendra Kumar is an army officer and his mother, Chanda Devi is a house maker. He finished off his schooling this year in Bihar.
Adarsh has recently registered his name in the Indian Book of Records and OMG book of records as Youngest Indian author to write about Lgbt and other backward communities in his book “Facade: Shades of life.”
He believes the emotions, expressions, and acts of an individual should be moving in one path. He keeps a deep passion for the medical field and currently working to achieve it. He is one of those dreamers who knows how to make the imagination a living reality. A boy with an enthusiastic spirit, who not only wants to fly but also wants to achieve all possible things which can be achieved on this planet.
He credits his success to his parents, his maternal uncle, and his friends.
Kavita Misra
Kavita Misra is a philanthropist by nature and fighter by spirit. She has faced all odds with her optimism and with strong faith in God.
She has pledged for ORGAN Donation, and also makes people aware of it’s importance and motivates them to pledge the same.
She has taught in various schools and is now taking online classes of Spoken English. She is a motivational speaker, freelance translator, writer and proof reader, equally adept and fluent in English and Hindi.
She has co-authored in more than 20 anthologies, and has compiled one of her own. She writes and speaks about issues like gender bias, prejudices, parent-child relationship, single parent, gratitude and positive thinking.
Kavita is highly respected in the literary circle and is often invited as Special guest/ judge at open mics and other events.
* Real Super Woman Award 2021 by FSIA (Category: Author and writer)
* Sahitya Ratna Award 2020
* Sahitya Sri Award 2021
* Cherrybook Award 2020
* Fireboxx Award as Best Co-author 2020-21
* Brain-O-Brain Wonder Parent City Topper: 2018-19
* Brain-O-Brain Wonder Parent City Rank 11: 2019-20
* Excellent Performance in
Speech Contest as a CMS Teacher: 2010
Insta: @literarykavita
Facebook profile: literary kavita
Facebook page: Kavita- thinking aloud
Website: www.Literallykavita.in
Dr. Rosie Patangia
Dr. Rosie Patangia is an Assistant Professor and Head in the Department of English, Narangi Anchalik Mahavidyalaya, Guwahati, Assam, India. She has done her Ph.D from the Department of Folklore Research, Gauhati University. She is a bilingual poet and has co-authored various poetry Anthologies and many more are on the way. Her poems have been published in various newspapers and magazines and translated into Tamil, Telugu and Gujarati. Some of her poems have won first, second and third positions on various poetry competitions held by different poetry forums in India. She has a number of publications in books, research journals, peer-reviewed journals, edited volumes on literature and Folklore. She has presented papers in National and International Seminars and Conferences and has received best paper awards for her research papers on folklore. She has also received Certificate of Appreciation, Teacher Innovation Award from Sri Aurobindo Society (ZIIEI) in 2019 for Sustainable Efforts towards promoting joyful and Experiential teaching. She is the lifelong member of All India Association for Educational Research, Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage and Assam Sahitya Sabha. Besides, she loves travelling and painting. She has published her first solo book “200 LIFE CHANGING QUOTES.” Some of her forthcoming solo books are “Deciphering Place Names and Legends of Assam: Kamrup in Focus”, “Covid-19 and Other Poems”, “Sylvan Shores of Silence”, “I, You and Me, Musings on Man and Society” and “Motivational Quotes”.
Sunil Maheshwari
सुनील माहेश्वरी, की जन्मभूमि कासगंज (उत्तर प्रदेश) और कर्मभूमि दिल्ली है, और प्रख्यात फार्मा कंपनी अल्कैम लैबोरेटरी लिमिटेड, दिल्ली में वरिष्ठ क्षेत्रीय प्रबंधक के पद के साथ-साथ बहुमुखी प्रतिभा के धनी सुनील माहेश्वरी एक मोटीवेशनल लेखक, विचारक, कवि, प्रेरकवक्ता, ब्लॉगर, शायर और आर्टिस्ट हैं, इन्होंने उच्च शिक्षा गाजियाबाद शहर के प्रख्यात व्यवसाय प्रबंधन संस्थान इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ प्रोडक्टीवटी ऐंड मैनेजमेंट (IPM) से मास्टर ऑफ बिजनेस एडमिनिस्ट्रेशन की डिग्री प्राप्त की। और देश की कई प्रख्यात फार्मास्युटिकल संस्थाओं में प्रबंधक रहे हैं। आपकी रुचियों में लेखन, सामान्य ज्ञान, लाईफ कोचिंग, संगीत, गज़ल सुनना, चित्रकारी आदि हैं। आपकी बहुत सारी कविताएं, लेख, आलेख, राष्ट्रीय समाचार पत्रिकाओं, सोशल मीडिया एप, मैगजीन, और ई पत्रिका में प्रकाशित हो चुके हैं, और पंच प्रवाह, आशायें, सैटायटी, इनफाइनाईट लव, शब्दांचल, वांडरलस्ट, आफ्टरलाईफ, वैल रिटन, ज्यूकबाॅक्स औफ मैमोरी, यस्टर्डे, देजा वू, ए लिटिल बुक आंफ राइटर्स, लव औफ लाईफ, द मैजिक टी्, द वर्निग डिजायर, मोटीवेशन एंड यू, यू आर माई एवरीथिंग, लेट इट आउट, पुस्तक के सह-लेखक भी हैं। और अभी 10 से अधिक पुस्तकों में सहलेखक की भूमिका निभा रहे हैं, और अपनी एकल पुस्तक के लिए कार्यरत हैं। अपने ऊर्जावान और प्रेरणा से ओतप्रोत कविताओं, कोट्स, लेख, आलेख से लोगों को प्रभावित किया है। फेसबुक और इंस्टाग्राम पर इनके पेज “माई सोल इज अंडर फायर” पर तकरीबन 8000 अनुयाई हैं। पुरस्कारों में इन्हें साहित्यिक कर्नल की उपाधि से सम्मानित किया गया है। ऑथर ऑफ द ईयर, इंडियन इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ मैनेजमेंट,(IIM), रांची द्वारा कविता लेखन में सर्वश्रेष्ठ पुरस्कार, आई. सी. आई. सी. आई बैंक द्वारा प्रायोजित कविता लेखन प्रतियोगिता में प्रथम पुरस्कार से सम्मानित किया गया है। इन्हें साहित्य रचना संस्था द्वारा “साहित्य रचना सम्मान पत्र” से, साहित्य के अमूल्य योगदान के लिए इंकजाॅयड फाउन्डेशन द्वारा आइकोनिक पर्सनेलिटी ऑफ द ईयर और इंटरनेशनल टेलेंट के पुरस्कार से भी सम्मानित किया गया है। स्टोरी मिरर द्वारा साहित्य का सबसे बड़ा सम्मान ऑथर ऑफ द् ईयर और मोस्ट एडमायरर लेखक का पुरस्कार भी मिला है। फाॅक्स इन्टरव्यूरर, हिंदुस्तान मैट्रो, पंजाब मैट्रो, लोक राग, डेली बीट, इंटरप्रेन्योर इंडिया आदि समाचार पत्रों में इनकी कविताएं और लेख प्रकाशित हो चुके हैं।
Tumula Mani Kota Rajasekhar
Tumula Mani Kota Rajasekhar (RajasekharTMK) was born and brought up in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh. He received his BE from Sathyabama University in the year 2019. At a very young age of 19 he entered into the field of research and continued his journey as an Engineer. In the field of research, he bagged many national and international awards like “Young Researcher” from INSC and also established a record in “INDIA BOOK OF RECORDS” for recognised as the youngest researcher and reviewer of international journals, he is also awarded with a National Award from WRC stating him as “BEST RESEARCHER IN ELECTRONICS”.
As a writer he published his first book “Bharateeya Samskruthika Nrutya Kalalu” on Indian History and Cultural dances at the age of 22. He also received multiple awards like “Best Debut Author”, “All Round Star of the year” and the most prestigious awards like “Sahithya Ratna” and “Rabindranath Tagore Literary Award”. His diverse interests helped him to achieve the prestigious “Kalam Ratna Award” by Kalam Foundation as Young Researcher and Writer. He also established his name in OMG Book of Records for becoming the young achiever to enter and excel in multiple fields both nationally and internationally. Recently he published his second book “111 Thoughts to Realize the Reality” at the age of 23. His books are listed in various platforms like Amazon, Flipkart and Notionpress. You can contact him on his Instagram page @rajasekhartmk.
Udayan Misra
उदयन मिश्रा लोकमान्य खेड़ा नाम के एक छोटे से गाँव से हैं, जो हरदोई जिले के संडीला तहसील के पास स्थित है। वह लेखन के माध्यम से अपनी भावनाओं को प्रदर्शित करना पसंद करते हैं । उनके शौक हैं अपने विचारों को कोट्स, शायरी एवं कविताओं के रूप में लिखना एवं मधुर संगीत सुनना। वह अब तक 20 संकलनों का हिस्सा रहे हैं, और कई संकलन की प्रक्रिया में हैं। उन्होंने सुकून का आकर्षण (अट्रैक्शन ऑफ पीस) नाम की अपनी एकल पुस्तक भी लिखी, जो शीघ्र ही लॉन्च की जाएगी. उन्होंने अपनी शायरी, कोट्स और कविता में एक सरल भाषा का प्रयोग किया है, जिसे आसानी से समझा जा सकता है। उन्होंने कोविड -19 महामारी के दौरान लिखना शुरू किया था । आप उनके लेखन को योर कोट्स पर पा सकते हैं और उनके साथ इंस्टाग्राम एवं फेसबुक पर जुड़ भी सकते
Instagram- @udmisra
Facebook –https://www.facebook.com /udyan.misra.
Madhurima Guruju
Madhurima who hails from Hyderabad is an educator, artist and a storyteller. According to her, writing is like a therapy to deal with tumultuous situation and pen is her only friend on which she relies to vent her tangled thoughts through poetry and stories
She had published three solo poetry books in the year 2021 additionally, took part in several anthologies.
Her remarkable contribution towards literary arts fetched the attention from readers and had been featured on several news web links like Hindustan Metro, Entrepreneur times, FOX interviewer and Punjab Metro.
Her recent book “Musings and Memories” a series of poems related to the lives of people had released under spotwrite publication, fetching huge accolades for the poems that had been described to be “heart warming read” by several reviewers and readers. Madhurima then went on receiving awards like EliteBook award, Pride of India award and she had been honored with an entitlement of best storywriter at first spot amongst top ten entries under EliteBook Awards.
Musings and Memories book is now available on Kindle, Google Play Bookstore and spotwrite publication. With this we wish her all the best for her upcoming novel “When Love Lasts” which will be released later this year.
R K Mohapatra
Rabindra Kumar Mohapatra(R K Mohapatra), MBA/Finance, FCMA, is now working as General Manager of Finance, IRCON, has vast experience of 28 years in Finance & Accounts, was born on January 3, 1963, in Bhadrak District of Odisha.
CMA R K Mohapatra, an” Eminent Author” awardee, authored four books on non-fiction business self-help, “Retirement Planning: A simple guide for Individuals,” “Investment Risk & Growth: A Guide for Investors about Investment Vehicles,” “Sahi Nivesh Se Ameer Banen(Hindi Edition)” and “Mutual Funds: A Powerful Investment Avenue for Individuals.”
Mohapatra’s all books help investors (irrespective of age) construct a good and balanced investment portfolio, provide self-help technics, tips for wealth creation in the long run, and enable them to achieve their financial goals in life.
R K Mohapatra was a speaker and panelist of the Theme: “SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME….” at the 18th Edition Asia Pacific HRM Congress, Taj Yeshwantpur, Bangalore, and Chief speaker on the topic,” “Investment Opportunity and Risk Management in India” at ICAI, Bhubaneswar Chapter, Bhubaneswar, in 2019.
Mohapatra’s work has been featured on many national daily newspapers, including The Freepress journal, Outlook Money, The Pioneer, and early TIMES, Jammu, and magazines: “Indian Railways,” “Reader’s Trail,” “Intriguing Imagination,” & “CFO Connect- IMA India.”
Notable author R K Mohapatra has the recipient of numerous national and international awards, including two prestigious international awards: the 18th Edition Asia Pacific HRM Congress -Exemplary leader award 2019 and the 19th Edition Asian Leadership – Hall of Fame award 2021 for his excellent and enormous contributions to IRCON and exceptional caliber to the world of Finance.
Jaymin Shah
“Paths are created, not only to reach the destination, but are also created to teach how to reach the destination in any condition”. And here we are talking about Jaymin Dilip Shah who is passionate towards his work and profession.
Jaymin Dilip Shah was born on 6th September 1987 in Rajkot, Gujrat. His zodiac sign is Virgo. His parents Mr. Dilip K Shah and Mrs. Divya D Shah are his strength. He also shares a very special bond with his supportive brother Aakash D Shah. He completed his B.Tech in computer science. He is Author and teacher by profession.
Jaymin began his career” with his first book “The untold love” that tells you about an unexpressed love and how that unexpressed love forms Thee. Then he penned a motivational book “A walk with myself” which was a record holder book. After that two more books were launched by him “We are the poets” & “The inner soul”. When you decide to do something then there is no stopping, on 25th December 2021, his new book is going to publish named as “The last bencher” and not only this, to know more about him and his struggle Jaymin is going to release his book written on himself soon “Jaymin” (a journey from struggle to the writer), this book will launch on March 2022.
Jaymin believe the fact that “ what you believe you receive”.
He was awarded in “India Prime Awards “. Year 2021 was full of appreciation for him , On July 6,2021 he was appreciated for writing a motivational novel “A walk with myself” which was a record holder in India book of records 2021 and then the award list goes on, he received “Tagore Commemorative Award”, “Literary Icon Of The Year”, ”Sahityakosh Award” and many more.
We rise by lifting others (HIS DREAM)
As he believe that “We rise by lifting others”, his dream is to help the children who want to study by giving them free education or by paying fees of the children who can’t afford it. Also he is a “Motivational Speaker”, he wants to motivate more and more people he can, and with motivational speaker he is “Child Counselor” too, who do counseling for their happy life.
Get in touch with Jaymin
Pratik Premraj Bhala
Pratik Premraj Bhala is a 21 year old million view story creator and a celebrity author of award winning poetry book shabdon ka safarnama. He is co-author in more than 150 books and earn around 31 literature awards and become a literary sensation. He featured on various 6 covers of magzine as celebrity author, nationalist author and samaj bhushan. He earned 11 literary badges .His tagline is CREATING THE WORLD OF WORDS. He also featured by various media houses as in top ten inspiring authors of India , you must have to read.
The awards wonned by Him in mere 10 months are (2/2/2021- 2/12/2021)
8) ELITE BOOK AWARDS (season 1)
14)ELITE BOOK AWARDS (season 2)
25) BOOK HONOUR 2021
Yogitha Subhash
Yogitha is a writer from Hyderabad,the city of pearls. She is a 90’s Kid grown up in a middle class family. She is a kind of Introvert,who likes to enjoy her own company rather than partying with friends. Writing has always been a passion to her,& she likes to pen her words with the ink of her experiences.Yogitha never thought she will be a writer one day,but her dream of becoming a writer got fulfilled when she received her first award for her writing.Her writeups were published by leading media house.. She was featured in the top 10 personalities in the literary field. Her journey from a “WRITER to AN AWARD WINNING WRITER” was not easy,but it was worth it..
She believes “One should have passion in their life,because it’s the passion which introduces us to ourself”
Yusuf Shameel Shaikh
He is Yusuf Shameel Shaikh.
Born in Mumbai (india) and brought up in Karnataka.
He is currently pursuing as a Representative and being a diplomatic student he loves to convert his feelings into poetical form and he is the one who is always ready to here you 24×7 , he believes in living the life fully just the way you love to live , he loves to be a kind all the time but yes being from diplomatic field he tried to mix the reality with the emotions and looked at the world from a different angle, that’s what makes a writer special !
He always believe
“Love the way you want to be loved”
Naresh kumar Saroay
Naresh kumar Saroay is a writer from village Dhaliwal kadian, Punjab and an eminent person in the field of school education especially teaching of English literature and English language. His versatile genius has provided him a plethora of experience and excellence in the same domain.
He uses poetry most often as a tool to give a vent to inmost emotions. His writings are versatile covering humanist, philanthropic, feminist prospective and Marxist viewpoint. He portrays the true picture of the society and urges the masses to solve the problems rather than deliberating upon.
His works have been featured on many platforms including India Today, The Literature Times & Inspirant Magazine.
Awards received by him just in 8 months (during 2021) are :
1 Book honour award by NE8X in April on world book day.
2 Sahityakosh samman was given by NE8X.
3 Tagore commemorative was presented for his literary contribution by NE8X.
4 Literary Icon award on world book day by NE8X
5 Pride of India by Cherry Book Awards.
The book ‘Reborn’ authored by him is a sort of eye-opening composition. The varied themes,outlined in the book, synced the idealogy with reformatory outlook. The poems ‘Treasure’, ‘Reborn’, ‘Salvation’, ‘Bhehanji Type’, ‘True Beauty’, ‘Take Your Love Back’, ‘Calmness’, ‘O My Dear Busy Folks’, ‘A New Born Deserted Girl’ and many others shake off the limitations of the society. His poem ‘The Suicider’ is a life saver.His instagram id is @naresh_saroay and ‘Reborn’ book is available on Amazon.
Author Yashi lath is from Lucknow Uttar Pradesh, India she is an author by profession and a psychology student. She believes that writing is an emotion that gives people the freedom to express themselves. Writing and reading are her childhood love that provides her a soothing escape from the bitter reality of the world. She has participated in daily writing challenges and competitions for enhancing her writing skills and she has worked with different publication houses as a co-author and a solo published author.
She is a self-published author of six books that are available on Amazon and Flipkart. She has got many awards this year for her hard work and dedication towards writing, the best debut author, best author of the year, the young achiever of 2021 are some of her remarkable titles. She has been featured in several media articles and magazines at both national and international levels. She has several dreams in her eyes and she believes in making those dreams come true.
Gayatri SA
Our country is where many scriptures and texts about Kamasutra and other forms of art dealing with spirituality and physical intimacy has taken birth. Yet, it is a shame that we are often asked to shut our mouths and hide in a corner when we want to discuss these topics in the open air. 7 billion people weren’t born in thin air, did they? Erotica is a genre that no one knows exists, the meaning of this unknown genre has been exploited and interpreted in a wrong way throughout history. Gayatri SA is an author-poet who has explored this area with small stepping stones in her small mind. Her works around different genres had been featured in more than 25+ anthologies and she is currently pursuing her career in content as well. She is working on her first book that talks about the covid experiences of people from different walks of life. Her next projects include an erotic pocket poetry book that involves the emotions and sexual tensions of people from different walks of life. She hopes her first attempt will reach many and she get to write more in the coming times. When was the last time you wanted to do it but couldn’t? There are so many things that we all want to do but something stops us, she doesn’t want that to happen with budding writers. Yet, to break the ice, she steps in with erotica and poetry being herself. She wants you to start writing!
Elizabeth Akinniyi
A passionate writer and poets, who uses her writting to teach, motivate,inspire and entertain her readers.
Born in Lagos Nigeria; where she lives with her family.
An introvert by nature, but chooses to mingle in the entertainment section.
She express her feelings,and teachings as arts, and writting.
Her writting style is based on: real life experience, with a touch of creativity to show reality and values.
So there’s always a lesson to learn form her writing.
A life coach,pranic healer and business woman by profession.
she uses this: (life coaching) in her writting, to harness her poetry and poems, in a unique style that leaves a lingering message in her readers heart.
Her passion leads her to podcasting; where she shares her poems and life teaching with her listeners on anchor FM, Spotify etc
she’s an award winning poet and writer,participated in 20+ anthologies,her write-ups featured in several international magazine and many more.
Awards and title for 2021
*Emerging personality award
*Momentous awards
*opus talent award
*elite book awards 2
*Rabindranath Tagore International prize of art and literature
*rising global writer 2021
She’s going solo on her first book as an author presently, having gained so many experience as a co author and writer in several anthologies.
she’s working on it presently silently, and she prefers to keep all details in till, when the book will be published.
Till then; she says: “stay tuned everyone”.
DeviShree E M
DeviShree E M is a 20 year old Feminist and a Social Activist who resides at Erode, Tamil Nadu.
She’s doing her bachelor’s degree in Physics at Vellalar College of Women, Thindal, Erode. She’s a passionate writer. Her Parents, Mr.Murali and Mrs.Vimala are her first and Forever Inspirations. She is the Founder of The Lunar Writers, a start-up for budding Writers. She is one of the active member in Women’s association for Education. And she has voiced out various social issues that happened against women. She is the active manager in various communities. She is played the role of Jury in various writing contests and open mics. She has debated on women orientated topics. And has wrote various articles about women independence! She has been educating girl children on women education and successful future. She has Co-authored 756 anthologies and 5 solo books. She worked as the Reviewer and Movie Critic. She has won various awards like, Entrepreneur 2021, Women’s voice 2020, Best Writer for 2018, 2019, and 2021. She has won The Best Co-author award for various books. And she has participated in three world record events.
Mili Kumari
Mili Kumari – a book having two covers. Extrovert for the readers and Introvert for the one who get no chill while looking at the cover. Twenty five years old , just a number to count is a writer with zeal and believes in self love. Mili strongly believes that every woman should be financially independent. Not to rely on your brother, father or husband.
She completed her graduation in arts and then proceed for Pharmacy from Lloyd school of pharmacy, Delhi. She loves making Reels on Instagra ism. She loves to spend time with her pet Guttu whom she call that he is his son.
2021 was a track changing for her.
She achieved Literary Award 2021,. Inspiro award 2021, Achievement Award 2021 , Indian Pride Award 2021. Two podcast, interviews and got to work with anthologies like Siyahi, Hostlers.
Mili believes that the youth are facing the pressure to lend name from the society but she believes earn them. Develop self love and the Youth will become optimistic and trust yourself.
-Mili kumari
I.g @biharibabuni_
Dr Arjun Grover
Dr. Arjun Grover, BAMS, Ayurvedic Consultant, An Author, A Poet, A Social Activist,Workshop & Open Mic Organiser . Founder of Health Community- “aayurveda aarogya” & his Talent Community- “कलाकृति”.S/O Sh. Sandeep Grover & Smt. Kanchan Grover. Belongs to Amritsar city.He has worked as co-author for many anthologies. He had Compiled various Anthologies -“KUCH ADHOOREY RISHTEY”,
“EK ASTITVA-ESA BHI”-which is based upon Transgender and other community equality. He started writing five years ago. According to him-“Writing is one of the best way to express your unsaid feelings and thoughts.It makes you much stronger and positive”. He is inspired from his parents. He thank his Parents & Friends for supporting for this anthology time to time.
You can contact him on his personal IG handle – @dr.grover_15ag &
for his creation on his official IG handle- @अल्फाज़– ए- रूह.
His Official
YouTube Channel- DR.ARJUN GROVER.
Deenu S Adi
Deenabandhu S Adi, Gadag from Karnataka and he loves to write. Writing is his passion along with reading. He wrote 2 books in English, one is Feelings Pouring Down another one is At the coffee table. He loves to solo travel and has participated in more than 7 anthologies, works to be recognises for every writer.
Khyati Shah
Khyati Shah is an Indian writer who currently resides in Toronto, Canada and currently working as an AML Data Analyst in an MSB. Apart from profession, Khyati is an artist and art lover personality.
Since her childhood, she has started taking Bharatnatyam dance training thus the foundation of art was built in her. She has performed many national and international level dance shows. Along with dance, she has interest in language and literature since her childhood and she started writing poems at a very young age.
Writing for her is a life in which she pours her emotions, experiences, imaginations and analysis of different aspects. She believes that writing is a therapy to mind, to heart, to soul and to life which has a power to enlight the life of the individual who writes and to the whole mass who reads. Therefore, she strongly believes that while writing, writers may have multiple thoughts, imaginations and perceptions in his/ her mind which sometimes may be negative too but he/ she must keep in mind the impact of the writeup on the mind and life of the reader no matter the number of reader is one or millions.
She always emphasizes on positivity and positive writing. In life, many situations comes which may feel adverse and worst many people arrive who may seem toxic and negative but the goal of life is to live happily and with harmony. So sometimes the acceptance of the concept of finding positivity from adversity May be less in society as everyone usually desires to pamper the ego, love blaming and so on but writer must serve the positivity that can help people think again and to come to the harmony from within and for the outside world as it’s a very sacred and responsible act each and every writer is doing towards the society.
Piyush Goel Mirror Image Writer
Piyush Goel is popularly known as “Mirror Image Man” by the media and Writer of “World First Handwrite Needle Book ‘Madhushala’.Piyush Goel has written several books in Mirror Image including Bhagavad Gita, Sundara Kand from Ramcharitmanas, Sai Satcharitra, Durga Saptashati, Meri Ikyavan Kavitayein by Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the former Prime Minister of India.
He also wrote the world’s first Bhagavad Gita in Mirror Image style reportedly by Hindustan times.
In a candid conversation Piyush Goel talks about his journey, writings, mirror-image books, and his book “Sochana too Padega hi”, is a book of his own 110 Motivational Thoughts.
Piyush Goel was born on 10th Feb 1967 in the lap of Mother Ravi Kanta and Father Dr. D.K. Goel. Piyush Goel always believes in new Creation and Imagination, by profession, he is a Mechanical Engineer but by passion, he is Motivator, Cartoonist, Local Cricket Umpire, and Mirror Image Writer. He has the experience of more than 25 years in Various Companies. His three mathematics papers published in International Research Journal. In mirror image style he has written16 Books from 2003 to 2015. Some of the books are ShreeMadbhagwad Gita, Madhushala, Gitanjali, ChankayaNiti, Shree Sai Satcharitra, Shree Durga Kavach (Sanskrit Language), Panchtantra and Piyush Vaani with different objects like Pen, Needle, Mehandi Cone, Carbon Paper, Iron Nail, Wooden Pen, and Fabric Cone Liner.
Parul sharma
Parul Sharma is a writer, based in Mumbai and writes extensively in English and Hindi. Her poems are published in several English and Hindi anthologies and magazines. She is a post graduate in law and has been passionate about writing since a very long time. Her poems capture diverse themes of nature, mythology, life experiences and human emotions.
Besides a writer, she is also a translator in English and Hindi languages and has deep interest in the arts of painting and photography. Her poetic compositions have been extensively featured and appreciated on various writing platforms. Her writings have also been selected in various national literary competitions. She has a proclivity towards spoken poetry and in reading poetry. She regularly publishes spoken poetry on her Instagram page and is also an experienced live reader on literary platforms. According to Parul, writers are the think tank and intellectual collective of a community and contribute immensely in shaping its thought process and intellectual landscape. Parul aspires to make an effective contribution in the field of English and Hindi writing, encourage the art of writing and positively touch the lives of her readers through her writings. Her work is accessible on Instagram at @pearls_poetry_n_more.
Saprativ Das
Saprativ Das is a class 12 student of St. Claret School, Barrackpore, West Bengal, India. He is a poet, author, artist, orator, amateur photographer, and a bibliophile.
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/saprativ_das
Quora –
Meera Kathija
In her own words,
“Myself, Meera Kathija from India (Tamil Nadu). I am capable of speaking 3 languages, Tamil, English and Hindi.
I have completed my Master’s degree in English Literature and Diploma in Crech management under The Child care Development.
Writing and exposing something new through my writings is the best talent in my life. Recently I have published two books in one year of 2021 under the Title Love with Responsibilities and The Cupid’s Curse with Evincepub publication. I have also worked in Three Anthology books as a co-author with Shashank Chetty and Konki Kamal Sharon with The Unvoiced Heart.
This Year I had won the Award from The Spectrum Fantrixx in Open-Letter genre through Spill The Ink Contest.
I am also a Youtuber my Channel name is ajmn83, I post my voice exploring my singing talent.
My Hobbies are Writing, Singing and Drawing.”
Susanna Celsia
Susanna Celsia is a passionate writer, talented poet ,and a creative author
Who has co- authored 50 + anthologies and has authored two poetry books
Her first book is titled as ” Oasis of poetry ”
Which a collection of beautiful poems with rich usage of poetic devices
Her second book is titled ” A silent war cry from the tears of the bravest ” which is the first book from the series ” A warrior in disguise ” .
A silent war cry is a very unique book which is a 3000 word poem with 300 lines a complete allegory
Which is recorded in the OMG book of records as a national record and also is recorded in hope international world record as world record for writing a unique poem of 3000 words in a short time
She is known her exemplary style of writing with a rich usage of allegories ,metaphors and oxymoron. She writes in several genres such as fiction ,short story ,free style poetry ,haiku,anectodes ,limerick in languages English, Hindi,Tamil and kannada
She addresses issues unspoken and all her writings focus on personality building , embracing uniqueness and restructuring ones identity, she’s a fighter who encourages her readers to overcome the odds and make the best out of their lives
She is a confident young woman who is an inspiration to many and has been honoured with several awards ,
Spectrum budding writer award ,Achiever of the year 2021,writer’s ink award,best co-author award 2021 ,best aspiring author, prestigious literary award ,William Shakespeare international award ,she was given the title as Ms. Persistent by feminarc awards ,and also was honoured with youth icon award for her excellence in the field of writing ,and is one of the awardee of Asias top 100 inspiring woman awards
Rubal Choudhary
A girl with enthusiastic spirit, who not only wants to fly but also wants to achieve all possible things which can be achieved on this planet.
Just like the falcon she wants to fly high, breaking all the barriers coming in her way.
She is Rubal Choudhary from Gurgaon, Haryana, currently doing MA in English Literature. She has been a best selling author of the book – “My Way to the Moon” which was recognised by Bravo Book of Records.
A selenophile, avid read, artist and what not, she is an ambivert and a learner who only wants to learn and grow and explore things without limit.
Achieving records and awards, has been very special to her, because she feels “Growth starts with a small move and lasts long.”
Ubbay Francis
Ubbay Francis is the most talented person in Mumbai according to Google. He is the bestselling author of The Importance of Physics in Bodybuilding published by Digital Golgappa. He is also a casting director, celebrity bodybuilding coach, model, actor, digital marketing ethusiast, artist coordinator, public figure, celebrity management expert, client management expert and a lot more.
It’s all about talent he believes. His hardwork and passion is not hidden for anyone to see. He is an amazingly handsome and intelligent person.
Recently his debut book was reviewed by Venessa and she rated it five stars. The reviews have been impressive and the book is a must read.
He might soon deliver another masterpiece to the readers. The importance of Physics in Bodybuilding is close to his heart. Though he has not yet revealed what genre and any detail whatsoever about his forthcoming book. We are excited for it.
Ubbay Francis – the multi-talented personality from Mumbai, India, is a celebrity and client relationship specialist and former body-building coach. UFO, as they fondly call him has a unique persona and charming cynosure. He has worked as casting director with production houses like Dharma Productions and loves to play cricket at Wankhede cricket stadium in Mumbai. Currently, COVID-19 lockdown has kept this amazing person indoors and he is doing great work in the digital marketing field.
Ubbay Francis is the winner of the We Got Talent in the multi-talented category. He loves business, digital marketing, body-building, fitness, lifestyle, influencer marketing, and celebrity relations. He has closely worked with top digital marketing agencies and aspires to be the best in the business.
His associates call him UFO – Ubbay Francis Outlandish because of his outgoing, crazy, friendly, and down-to-earth nature. He was born in Spain to a Spanish father and Indian mother, but his parents migrated to India when he was around three years old. He has lived in South Bombay since then and is an alumnus of the most reputed college of Mumbai – Wilson College. He has a BMS degree and loves market research and execution.
Ubbay Francis loves body-building and fitness. His upcoming debut book is titled Importance of Physics in body-building, in which he has mentioned the technical aspects. He has coached several well-known names which he does not want to disclose due to their present celebrity stature. All the people who worked with him adore his skills and expertise. He is a gem of a person and a multi-talented personality indeed.
Esha Yadav
Esha Yadav is a young Lass from Delhi, Capital of India. She is blessed with acting as well as writing. She has penned down multiple poems, articles & stories in English, Hindi and Hinglish languages. She has co authored more than 20 anthologies & compiled 6 anthologies till date. She is also a PH (Project Head) in TOC Publication and was featured as well in a Magazine. One can connect her via Insta @eshayaduvanshiii
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