Young Achiever from Kolkata, Rohit Saha ( The Bong Buzz) ready to start his Entrepreneur journey with his E commerce brand FRUNKY

Kolkata – The City of Culture is often known for its people, people dreaming to follow their passion.
This “Follow Your Passion” isn’t easy but a boy nearly of the age of 15, when everyone else was busy in breaking hearts, made his first step towards his passion, he started writing and pouring his emotions into his write-ups. It’s been 6 years of his struggle and now he is 21years old as we all know hardwork pays, it’s somewhere true.
As a boy of an Bengali middle-class family, giving time to explore one’s passion is difficult but this boy made it happen. As we talk about passion there comes a name along with it, ROHIT SAHA.
From dreaming to meet The lazy Bong, our all time favourite Dipta Da and the most established entrepreneurs of this time, Sayan Chakraborty & Rahul Basak to work with them individually and making a name within a time span of one year, this journey is inspirational to us but A DREAM COME TRUE MOMENT for that unnoticed boy.
Recently he named an World Recod for writing 240 quotes in just 24 hours. He is one of the most popular face in Inkzoid Book of World Records 2021.
Criticism is a part of every artist’s life, he faced a lot of hatred too but what made him continue with his journey was the love from his close ones and his supporters.
You all might know him by his YouTube name, THE BONG BUZZ: SHAYERI KI DUNIYA. You all might know what is Bong Buzz but the struggle behind creating Bong Buzz was not known until now.
As Rohit Saha always says : “Yes, the “failure” will be painful, and you’ll grieve the loss of a profound passion. But that loss frees you. It’s liberating. You’ve got an infinite amount of dreams to pursue, so don’t hold yourself back. You can literally do whatever you want. Don’t play it safe. Take a chance, or you’ll never really know what you can do.”
Now he is ready to start his journey as an Entrepreneur. He is ready to launch his E-commerce brand ” Frunky “. Isn’t it interesting? That’s the USP of our beloved THE BONG BUZZ, everything he do becomes interesting. Already he had given us many interesting things. Now let’s wait for FRUNKY.

Digital Golgappa

One thought on “Young Achiever from Kolkata, Rohit Saha ( The Bong Buzz) ready to start his Entrepreneur journey with his E commerce brand FRUNKY

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