Humera Khatoon has been chosen as The Literary Champion, 2022 by Cherry Book Awards

Cherry Book Awards is delighted to share that Humera Khatoon has been chosen as The Literary Champion, 2022.

Humera Khatoon is a writer who started her journey 3 years back by taking part in essay writing competitions online as well as offline mode. She has worked as a co – author in anthologies and now she is making her path in the field of Author and her solo book is under publishing process.
Writing makes her alive. She used to write in her liesure time to express her emotions. Many of her articles have been published online. She has achieved 40+ certificates for her writing work. She has recently won India Diva Award season 4 , Indian professional award and women of excellence award 2022 for Writer category.

Digital Golgappa congratulates her and wishes her more success in the future.

Certificates and Achievements of Humera Khatoon

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