Jass Records Entertainment announces its latest music video release“Ye Jo Fasle”,sung by the talented singer Sourav Kumar

Jass Records Entertainmentis thrilled to announce its latest release “Ye Jo Fasle” on 30th September, 2022. Sourav Kumar has acted, sung and produced this song under his own Music & Film Production company named as ‘SK Starlight Pictures’.

Sourav Kumar is a Singer/Composer/Actor/Screenplay writer and a resident of Jamshedpur, Jharkhand currently based in New Delhi.This song is sung by him along with his co-singer Sweta Kumari. The song is composed andwell written by Mr.Najarul Hasan, based in Jamshedpur. The lead cast is Sourav Kumar, Suraj Adhikari along with Ms. Akanksha Arali, a Pune based actress and model. The music is given by Anjali Audio Recording Studio, Jamshedpur and processed at T-Series studio, Noida. The music video was shot in New Delhi. 

Sourav Kumar is very passionate about music and have more than 15-year experience in the field of music composition. Before this release, his earlier released music videos are ‘BeeteLamhein’ and ‘Darmiyaan’, ‘Tera PyarMeraPyar’ with various music labels such as Jass Records, Zee Music Company,etc. Sourav has showcased his singing/Music skills at Amity University earlier and received awards and appreciation throughout his career. 

Watch Video Full Video here- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXtDiSeqDqY

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