Retro Kolkata Magazine & Shivaji Gaanguly’s Academy launcheda collaboration on Martial Arts for the betterment of society

KOLKATA, WEST BENGAL, SEPTEMBER 10- Retro Kolkata Magazine is proud to launch its collaboration with the one and only9th Dan Black Belt of Kyokushin Karate in India, HanshiShivaji Ganguly and his academy known as Shivaji Gaanguly’s academy mind and body, one of the finest Martial Arts schools in Kolkata. This collaboration aims to bring enlightenment to society about the importance of martial arts in an individual’s life.

From fitness to self-defence and artistic expression to emotional well-being, martial arts is the only art form that comprises all. “This collaboration will be unique as it will benefit many boys and girls across India. We will be able to make them more aware of martial arts (Kyokushin Karate),” said Shivaji Ganguly, Founder of Shivaji Gaanguly’s academy.

“Being an art and culture magazine, till now Retro Kolkata has promoted painting, fashion, photography and music. But this time we are adding martial arts to our segment as it is one of the ancient art forms in history. When it comes to martial arts, nothing could be better than this collaboration with Shivaji Gaanguly’s academy. We are thrilled to be a part of his journey to encourage martial art practice for the betterment of society,” saidChiranjitPaul, Chairman of Retro Kolkata.

ShibayanGanguly and ShyamantakGanguly also will be a part of this venture. “This collaboration will be beneficial for many. Being an artist myself, I believe that, this particular art form can make you fit from mind to body and will also train you for self-defense,” saidShibayanGanguly, son of Shivaji Ganguly, National champion, Asian Kata Champion, Karate instructor, Nutritionistand also an eminent Kathak Dancer. “I am happy that Shivaji Gaanguly’s Academy has collaborated with Retro Kolkata as it is one of the best e-magazines in Kolkata. We hope that we can work together to aware more people about self-defence and spread this art to every corner of the city,” shared by ShyamantakGanguly, son of Shivaji Ganguly, the Asian Karate Champion, Ambassador of ’Fit India Movement’ & Da One Sports& Martial Art instructor.

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