Shishira Srinivasa has been chosen as The Literary Champion, 2022 by Cherry Book Awards

Cherry Book Awards is delighted to share that Shishira Srinivasa has been chosen as The Literary Champion, 2022.

Ms. Shishira Srinivasa is a PhD Research Scholar who just submitted her thesis and awaiting her Doctoral Degree. She is a budding poetess and an Ardent writer. She hails from Bangalore and is working in a Corporate firm. She has also published 25 research articles in International peer reviewed journals on Stress Management.
She is also an award winning Carnatic singer, certified Reiki healer, Certified Animal Communicator, A Tarot reader, certified Angel Therapist, and intends to help people who are suffering in their day to day lives.
Her latest book on Stress Management and other popular books have received positive response from the readers.

Digital Golgappa congratulates her and wishes her more success in the future.

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