Find Clarity and Happiness in Life by Reflecting on Kolkata-Based Tarot Reader Mousumi Karmakar’s Personalised Readings

Tarot card consultations and spiritual or energy healings are known to bring about positive changes in a person’s life. Intuitive practitioners are known to significantly impact mental and emotional health while also helping one in their healing journey. Besides helping one deeply connect with their inner soul, these mediums serve as pathways to gain access to the subconscious mind and serve one’s purpose in life successfully.

Mousumi Karmakar is a 27-year-old certified spiritual healer, self-love coach, tarot reader, and spiritual transformation coach who has expertise in practising Reiki healing, spell casting, astrology, vastu, dice reading, and many more modalities such as Chaldean numerology and psychic counselling, among others.

Her journey as a spiritual healer began three years ago when she completely devoted herself to building her dream life. Mousumi hails from an atheist family, and financial struggles have always been a part of her life. However, her commitment and determination led her on this path, which helped her discover her true self and calling in life. Mousumi’s total course and coaching are based on her life experience and learnings from the Bhagwat Geeta. She particularly advises people to follow the teachings mentioned therein and provides guidance to indulge themselves in chanting the name of Lord Krishna.

Apart from this, Mousumi’s work as a spiritual healer has been duly recognized and received widespread appreciation as her work has been selected for various prestigious awards. She has set a benchmark by being selected as the first influencer woman healer from Kolkata in the Indian Women’s History Museum. In addition, she has also successfully established her Brand MoUsumi Tarot consultation and healing center (Shunyata_the_Mystery).

Mousumi is known to be an empathetic person who loves to connect with different people on a deeper soul level. She strongly believes that empowering and challenging the myths and stereotypes about wellness journeys to have self-awareness and courage to do their own therapy to live a life of respect and dignity and treat others with the same ethical principles is her drive to work in this field. Her belief is shaped by the opinion that all people are capable of change. It is important to understand that people are shaped by their experiences and circumstances.

Besides being spiritually inclined, her professional journey includes leading global marketing for the quantitative research business vertical of Schlesinger Group. As a strong and self-made persona, Mousumi believes that these opportunities have shaped her professional growth. In her opinion, embracing the journey, taking small actions for change every day, having resourcefulness and curiosity, having a positive attitude, and following a routine life with consistency and belief are the keys to success.

Through her work as a spiritual healer and self-love coach, Mousumi aims to bring clarity and optimism into the lives of people associated with her and help them address and overcome any mental and physical health issues. Her most valuable advice is that having a clear mind, becoming the master of the subconscious mind, and being associated with people who inspire and bring out the best version of the inner self can help an individual live life to the fullest. Mousumi further states that writing down a list of dos and don’ts and focusing on the dos can help one manifest positive things in life. In addition, she recommends making a plan for the next day before going to bed every night. Mousumi states that it creates a significant impact on the mind and motivates one to do better.

Moreover, as a professional tarot reader and spiritual transformation coach, Mousumi strives to add value to people’s lives. According to her, one must always be mindful, resourceful, take extreme ownership and responsibility for their actions, display courage, and possess the ability to take risks and venture into uncharted territories to achieve unimaginable growth in life. All these, combined with guided readings, positively impact the thought process of a person and help them become more secure and aware of their inner selves.

She suggests that passion, ego death, standing for the truth, consistency, and self-belief are the strategies that help one grow and transform tremendously as a person. Mousumi encourages people to contact her to gain clarity in life and find their true purpose by engaging in self-love, reiki healing, and spirituality on a deeper level.

Durvesh Yadav

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