The old piggy bank approach isn’t doing anyone any favors, at least in this economy. Saving and holding your money in one place is wasting so much potential. This is why you should always find ways to multiply it. Hard workers earn, and smart workers invest. India is in its reign of stocks and portfolios, it’s time that you jump on the bandwagon or lest you’ll be left behind with pennies to your name. Manish C Vara and his firm help people interested in getting started in the market with an easy footing.
Manish C Vara began his journey as a sales executive in 2006 and has risen on his own. He hails from a small city Porbandar in Gujrat. Back when he started there was no one to guide him in Rajasthan’s deserted knowledge in areas of finance. He has a stronghold over the subject and has culminated it all too now open a company of his own. From rags to handling other people’s riches, Manish C Vara found his contentment. He is the co-founder of Angel Capital. They are best known for helping with Financial Planning & Portfolio Management.
It is no wonder they have an excellent customer base; in the span of fewer than 5 years, they are managing over 125 Cr per annum. Today they stand as one of the fastest-growing investment advisory firms in Rajasthan. They specialize in offering comprehensive investment & financial planning services to Indian families across the globe including middle-level executives, professionals, business owners & NRIs. They also have their expertise in retirement planning, investment planning, and portfolio management through instruments like mutual funds, bonds, private equity, structural products, PMS, and many more.
Manish C Vara’s story began almost 15 years ago when he had first set his first shaky foot in the financial industry. He slowly worked up to become a certified financial planner and had worked for 9 years before he could finally open something of his own. “I believe, Financial Planning gives you more clarity in life; it provides direction and meaning to all your other decisions. It helps you to provide the right balance between your present and future lifestyle.” says the entrepreneur Manish C Vara. He has made it his goal to bring security and prosperity to people’s lives.
It is a shaky and grey area to start investing in the Indian context, to this Manish C Vara affirmatively said, “the term Financial Planning & Financial Planner have been misused to sell Financial Products. The planning part is completely overlooked and this adds to the confusion. I have dedicated my career to bridging this gap & to providing real FP services to clients.” He has been working to make his dream a vision and he keeps it going for he knows that Money might not be everything but it is needed to meet everything else that is important in life.
Manish C Vara enjoys working to help make others’ lives financially secure but apart from investment planning he is intrigued by research & analysis of various financial products. However, his expertise still lies in reviewing the portfolio and product selections according to the need of the clients and the risk profile of the client. He also conducts training programs on Financial Planning & Investment Planning.
Angel Capital has earned its due praise from the collective client base but also through the special achievement awards it has received from companies like ICICI Mutual Fund, SBI Mutual Fund, HDFC Mutual Fund, and many more. They are planning to expand their business and reach to other locations in India and outside India. They have a lot in store for them but, Manish C Vara’s goal still remains the same to inspire the youth to start saving up and investing early. Manish C Vara has further plans to also write a book on investment behavior and how Indian people react toward the investment approach.
If you’re looking to break your piggy bank and step into a secure world of Financial planning, Visit Angel Capital for more knowledge: