Chrysalis, 2024 organised by Delhi Public School (Joka) South Kolkata

Chrysalis, 2024 organised by Delhi Public School (Joka) South Kolkata

Delhi Public School (Joka) South Kolkata celebrated the first day of its Annual Cultural Programme Chrysalis on 21st of December, 2024. The junior Dipsites rocked the day with their vibrant performances.  The chief guest for the day was ShriDilipMondal, Minister of State, Ministry of Transport, Government of West Bengal. The other guests- Shri Mohan Naskar, Hon’ble Member of the Legislative Assembly, Satgachia Legislative Assembly, Government of West Bengal; Smt. NilimaMistryBishal, ZillaSabhadipati, South 24 ParganasZillaParishad; S. S. Bandyopadhyay, G.M. Marketing, SAIL CMO ER Kolkata and Mr.Dhananjay Singh, eminent businessman, friend and well-wisher of DPS Joka family were all present to support the school and its annual extravaganza.  Mr. S. S. Bandyopadhyay praised the little Dipsites and the school’s success in preparing them for the future and the world. The show was a rendezvous of talents and flawless execution. The performances were a testament to months of preparation and hard-work. It was nothing short of an assortment of multifarious presentations. There were plays in Hindi, Bengali and English dealing with subtle themes fused with comic elements to more sombre ones like ‘A Christmas Carol’ by Charles Dickens. The dances ranging from performances on Christmas carols to folk medleys and musical renditions of different songs reverberated with joyful symphony. Be it the toddlers or the juniors- all exuded vibrance, energy and grace.

On 2nd day the dignitaries from the state and its administration came to grace the occasion. 22nd December, the second day of the extravaganza hadMr.Naresh Gupta, Branch Manager, Kolkata, Steel Authority of India Ltd. and Dr.Ranjit Sur, retired professor, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata who felicitated the students receiving the Scholar badges and the Honour badges.

DPS showed its ineffable capacity to put its students through varied mediums of expressions and that showed through the multifarious performances kept for the day. There were folk performances on rural songs of baul, and fusions of kathak and flamenco. Students fluttered their wings of ballet like butterflies. There were musical renditions of different genres of songs ranging from Tagore’s songs to old Bollywood. The audience was treated to Dance Dramas of Tagore and comedies of contemporary times. The performances left an indelible mark in the tapestry of time which the smiling faces of the audience gave proof to.